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Friday, May 28, 2010

On Worship: Kathryn Scott

If you're looking for a wonderful worship album, try to put your hands on Kathryn Scott's I Belong. The title song was co-written with her mother which I see as a wonderful tribute to a Godly heritage.

To my joy, I had the honor of writing a worship chorus with Bethany when she was about five. I'll never forget the day when she said, "Mom, play something so I can sing." And as she begun to sing a beautiful melody and lyrics came. Tune in again for those sweet lyrics! : )


Mari said...

I've not heard of her, but she has a beautiful voice! Thanks for sharing this.

Susan said...

Beautiful, but even more than the music I LOVED her comments about worship. Oh such pure truth!!!! I just KNOW in my Spirit that you are that type of worshiper, Kathy. I love and respect you. ((hugs))

Kathy said...

Susan, I was definitely impacted by, as you said, the pure truth of what she spoke. I appreciate your words to me, and how my desire is to be like that even more. It's very clear that she lives and loves what and Who she writes about.

Unknown said...

She is spot on in that first video! It is when we're with that audience of one that true worship takes place!
Thanks for the heads up on her album too. I think I'll find it!
Love her accent!

Frasypoo said...
