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Sunday, January 9, 2011

Where Most People Don't Go On Vacation

Bethany had always said she wanted to live in the Antarctic. She's doing a project on Antarctica for her literature class (we haven't made the connection yet, but we think the teacher knows what she's doing. This is for one of two co-op classes she's taking). This video is one of the things I came across while looking for some informative websites. Watch this:

It's not uncommon for children to want to be a policeman, no, a fireman, wait, a Doctor, and ...well, you get the idea. In our house it revolves around moving, and where they want to live. Antarctica was tops on Bethany's list, then it became Pennsylvania where she would be an Amish person. Once we explained how difficult it was to break in to their tight knit communities, she decided to strike out on her own and move to Wyoming. Some would say that's like Antarctica. Now that Israel is at the top of her list, Antarctica makes a nice safe project for her to write about.

Favorite quote : "Difficulties are just things to overcome." from Sir Ernest Shackleton, the English Explorer of Irish descent who became fascinated with the South Pole. He made several expeditions in an attempt to cross the Continent of Antarctica. Although he did not accomplish that goal in particular, the story of his attempts are nothing short of inspirational. This is a short clip featuring a documentary called Endurance. I hope to watch it in its entirety someday. Video from everywhere!

Favorite thought
: I probably won't have to travel to Antarctica to visit my future grandchildren.


Mari said...

We saw that documentary on Shackleton -very interesting. I know that's not a place for me though!

Susan said...

How about Australia???? It's far, far away but not so COLD!!!

Andi said...

LOL! WYOMING....yeah just like it. I would agree with her today... a - 15 tonight! ;0)