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Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Strength for Today and Bright Hope for Tomorrow

One of the wonderful parts of homeschooling is the opportunity for trust to develop between child and parent. Here, they can share their frustrations and insecurities. 

I don't always have the answers, I don't know why summarizing a story is hard for one, but not for the other, but I can encourage them and say, "You know, I don't know why it seems hard, but we're going to get this. Let's keep trying! You can do it." In doing this, I teach and make every effort to reflect God's heart toward this one He created. What if they never *get it*? I truly believe it's going to be alright. The Lord will give us the wisdom we need to go another way if that's what's best. This brings His peace to both of our hearts as a result. 

It's not always been this way. I've had to learn that this is His response for our household in this hour. It could be another exhortation altogether tomorrow. As I draw closer to the Lord today, He is able to help my heart hear the words He would speak were He sitting there with us in person. This is my on the scene testimony for today.

Great is Thy faithfulness, O God, My Father.


Mari said...

Your testimony goes very well with that song. When we sing it, it often brings me to tears. He does care for us and is always faithful!

Jennifer said...

A much needed encouragement. I am not always so quick to encourage--I tend to go into "problem solving mode" thanks to my ED nurse background. I need to lean more on the Spirit to teach my children.

The Piper's Wife said...

So good---thank you for writing this.