Bethany, 8th Grade
Math-Saxon 7/6 (finishing) then Saxon 8/7
English- Writeshop 1, Easy Grammar Ultimate Series for 8th grade, Wordly Wise 3000 book 8.
History-Ancient History: Beautiful Feet map work & readers, Ancient History by Christine Miller
Latin-Rosetta Stone & Visual Latin I
Science-Apologia General Science (co-op class)
Spelling- Finishing Apples II from last year
Literature- (2nd semester only) Bob Jones Literature, Grade 8
Vocabulary-(2nd semester only) Bob Jones Vocabulary Grade 8
Home Ec-Christian Light Education (Carryover from last year. We're taking our time through this, and are using it as more of a framework for ideas of things to do here at home.)
Piano, year 3 of instruction
Violin, year 1
Audio Drama Production class, 1st Semester only
Weekly homeschool co-op & P.E.
Church nursery, monthly
Pet sitting business, as needed
Daniel, 5th Grade
Math-Bob Jones DVD course, Grade 5
English-Bob Jones, Grade 5 *, BJU Spelling, BJU Handwriting, Wordly Wise 3000 Grade, Queen Homeschool copy work (carryover from last year).
Writing- Included in Bob Jones English 5
Reading-Included in History program
History-Notgrass Publishing "America the Beautiful" w/Textbook, readers, & workbooks. This year, Daniel is doing history with his Daddy! Big switch, and lots of fun!
Science-Apologia Zoology 2, Swimming Creatures of the 5th Day-Weekly Co-op
Piano, year 3 of instruction
Soccer League, year 1 of participation
Audio Drama Production class, 1st Semester only
Weekly homeschool co-op & P.E.
Pool Care (Daniel is our "pool guy" and is responsible for maintaining a clean & healthy pool.)
Family Bible: We do this together in the mornings. If Danny teaches, he has a topic on his heart and teaches that using various scriptures. I often read a proverb for the day as well as a missionary biography that we're reading aloud. Plus I will teach on various topics that may apply. We're waiting for the Bible Study Series from Heidi St. John, and then we'll begin that.
*may change. Daniel's 5th grade English is exposing a few holes that I need to fill in. I'll use either Easy Grammar or possibly First Language Lessons for the Well-Trained Mind which I used for Bethany. It's a rigorous and thorough, never-to-be forgotten, English Grammar series by Peace Hill Press. Either that, or we'll pick back up from Shurley English, our choice for last year.
2012-2013 To be Updated
2011-2012 Will update
Saxon Math
First Language Lessons for the Well-Trained Mind-finished
Hake Grammer & Writing (January '11)
Spelling Power
Queen Homeschool Copywork
Literature: Chronicles of Narnia (co-op)- finished as of 5/16/11
History: Arizona History (co-op)- finished as of 5/16/11
Horizons Math
Bob Jones English
A Reason for Handwriting
Classically Cursive from Veritas Press
Bob Jones Reading
As a Family:
Bible: Apologia Worldview Curriculum (Vol. 1-How Can I Know God)
Art: Artistic Pursuits
Science: Real Science 4 Kids Pre-Level 1 (co-op)-finished
Science: The History of Science from Beautiful Feet Publishing
History: Exploring Georgia by Notgrass Company
JOY Homeschool Leadership Team Co-Director
JOY Park Day/Sportskidz AZ Homeschool P.E. & Sports League
Up Next:
My Father's Word: Exploring Countries & Cultures, or The History of Science: Beautiful Feet Publishing
Praying about what to do next. We have both curriculums, but just trying to see what will fit. Our Science co-op is almost finished, so we need and want to bring in more literature, history, & science into our day.
Please pray for us that we will have a desire to stay on task and on enjoyment in our learning journey