Field Lily has been doing the following:
Enjoying a 6-week break from leading worship, traveling to and from Georgia realizing enroute that all school books were left at home resting happily in the garage, enjoyed Georgia rain and snow, ate more Southern cooking than I care to shake a stick at while I was there, taught my 7 year old niece while I was there, yes I homeschooled her for an hour. We had a wonderful time! After our return, we had house guests for the next 3-4 days, we resumed our weekly park-day adventures, hugged numerous friends, enjoyed a night of Chocolate Fondue with 16 homeschooling Moms, still slept good last night, loved the time with the Lord this morning in worship and in the word, ate fish for lunch today, napped this afternoon, planned school lessons this evening, chatted on facebook, thought about what the Lord is teaching me as all of this was being done, realized I hadn't written a post in 3 weeks. Asking the Lord about that. Realizing how much I am enjoying being a part of a prayer blog, realizing how little of the Lord's goodness I deserve, and thankful for all I've received.
Grammar issues, punctuation, spelling, run on sentences? Probably. Love you all? Absolutely! Which is more important? I'm smiling as I think of the answer.