Complete our Science Notebooks from our Chemistry Co-OpMind you, this is but a partial list, but it was motivating and mentally helpful for me to put down what I know needs finishing at this point.
Compile our 2010-2011 Portfolios
Finish that one last meeting for our Chemistry Co-Op
Then I started on a second list. It is a combo of family things/homeschooling items that we accomplished this last year. I like this list better because it's longer. In the context of a relocation that occured over the summer and into the fall, it helps me feel that our year was not a total loss. (I have a homeschooling planner that I keep as well that I frequently look back on for the same reason. It's easy to feel like things are just half-done, and that can be so discouraging.) Looking at the full part of the glass is a lot more fun, and it takes the punch out the enemy as the Lord reminds me: "Kathy, this has been a good year. You've done well." I want my Heavenly Father's approval more than anything, and these are some of the things He's reminded me of:
Field Trips to the following:
Tandy Leather Factor
Capitol Museum in Phoenix
Herpetological Society
Play: "Prince and the Pauper"
Out of Africa Wildlife Park
Ostrich Farm
We began using our local library on a regular basis.
Bethany took two co-op classes through a local co-op: History of Arizona, and Intro. to Literature: Chronicles of Narnia. This was really good for her. Instruction from others is a good thing, and she met some children that were not in our Homeschooling group.
Roller Skating Lessons:
We live a 1/2 mile from a really good roller rink. I signed us up for roller skating lessons, and the children are loving it. They even learned how to skate backwards!
Here are some more things we did that are significant for various reasons:We planted a garden.This list is far from exhaustive but marks a few things we've done and are doing. It really has been a good year!
Bethany taught herself how to weave.
The children participated in a Soccer League & a Field Hockey League.
We had a science co-op with another family in our homeschooling group. Chemistry is fun!
We went to a play, "Robin Hood," as a family. We talked about how live performances are more fun and challenging to the actors.
We went on our annual family camping trip with Mary Lee: nothing like really good traditions
We added in a great Art curriclum this year.
We participated in our homeschooling group's art show with our own projects.
Bethany went to a sleep over. She also had a friend spend the night recently.
Bethany taught herself how to roller blade.
Big friends and Little friends: our much larger yard and more centrally located home added to our desire and ability to host big and little people for fun times throughout the year. Socialization in homeschooling: the least of our problems!
Ordered our Exploring Georgia curriculum to help us enjoy and make the most of our extended stay in the Atlanta area this summer. On your mark, adventure set, go!