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Wednesday, May 5, 2010

A Few of my Favorite Random Things

Ever made Refrigerator Soup? That's when you take a bit of this and that and this and some of that and make it a meal! :  )  Well, this is one of those posts except my camera battery needs charging, so no pictures. Here goes:

Random thought: "If the bloggers I read don't stop writing such interesting posts for me to read I'm NEVER going to get this post done!"
I preface this next piece by saying that we talk about politics in our house. We also talk about that we're to pray for those in authority over us. So with that in mind, I cautiously tell you this one:
While driving to Field Hockey today we pass a commercial van for a security company. It says on the van, "Our business is to protect YOUR business." Daniel replies after reading it, "Well, if your business is to protect OUR business, then get Obama out of here!!!"
Ahem. I had to take a deep breath. And I laughed. Sorry, but I did. Then I remembered our role of teaching them to pray for their leaders. Tomorrow is National Day of Prayer. Gonna do it.

My heart stopper for the day:

While out in the garage working on a project, Daniel calls from inside the car before he and Danny head off to run an errand, "Hey Mom, Look at me." I look. With his big grin in tow he says, "I just love you!"

A favorite Mom moment:
Today I had the pleasure of watching my little blonde 10-year old pogo stick 78 bounces before she had to stop. Then, she and Daniel, on their respective teams, went out and played the best field hockey they could come up with. 
 I love seeing life grow. I love seeing His created ones showing just a smidget of His love for  experiences that bring them joy - children pushing their physical bodies to achieve a desired goal. God put that in them, and I KNOW it brings Him even more joy than it does me.

I just had to make a note of all of this. This is His day, and I want to remember what's a part of it. This great day in the midst of worldwide, national, state and local prayer needs. Thank you, Lord, for giving us times like this that bring peace, laughter, joy, and comfort. We need you every single hour.


Mari said...

I love these random things! My favorite is the Daniel quote. I need to remind myself to pray instead of complain about our leaders also. My kids, although they are grown are still listening to me!

Susan said...

The joy of the Lord is our strength. You have much joy in your lives and savor every moment of it because He is your Strength. That Joy, that LORDSHIP, shines through so brightly in what you write and share!!!! I treasure you and am so thankful to have "met" you in the Spirit. ((hugs))

Nancy said...

Best of all...God imprints these special times on your heart...where no natural disaster or time can fade them...*: )

Kathy said...

Nancy, well said!

Susun, Indeed. He is our joy, and our strength. Daily, our Lord (with some grace and chiseling required!)
