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Thursday, January 22, 2009

Prayer That Reveals

"Lord, I thank you that you are with me. I feel sorrow and grief whose source is unknown. Whisper your words of love and tender care to my heart. Lift every untrue thought and mind-wanderings of mine. You're a healer, you're a forgiver, and I need you."

Is it okay for us blogging friends to reveal a place that usually has a door in front of it? Well, my door is open today,(so in my view the answer is YES) and as I share I greet the first person at the loving Saviour Jesus! : ) Welcome Lord. Welcome loving friends in the Lord. Inside there is peace, and it's walls are scrubbable! Watch as the untruths and unwelcome guests are swept outside. Clean house Lord! : )


Susan said...

Oh that He would point out the area's where we need to clean house. My constant prayer is that He show me any dark places in my heart.

Kathy said...

Susan, I wonder how often we play host to "guests" who have no business in our hearts; Lies from the enemy of our soul, unfounded accusations of his which have been forever dismantled through Jesus's
all-encompassing death on the cross. They seem to sneak in so quietly, almost unnoticed.

Elizabeth said...

What a great post Kathy. My "house" definitely needs a good scrubbing...

Kathy said...

You're singing my song, Liz. Hugs atcha!

Mary Lee said...

If the truth be told; all of our "houses" could use a good scrubbing and kicking out of unwanted and unneeded "guests". That was an excellent post Kathy.