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Saturday, November 22, 2008

Rewind Us Again

Hallelujah! Thine the glory.
Hallelujah! Amen.
Hallelujah! Thine the glory.
Rewind us again.

I found this doing a search this evening as I contemplate adding this hymn to tomorrow's worship. This humorous wording was heard being sung by a young child riding with their parents to church one evening. (Not one of mine I will add.) Of course, this slight re-do on the words adds the realistic touch to how we often feel when we come into His presence with singing, and I smile. I'm thinking of the passage in John that says, "If we abide in Him, and He in us, then we will bear much fruit." If this verse were written in the vernacular of the child singing this old hymn, perhaps it would read, "If we rewind in Him, and He rewinds in us..." If we could just rewind in Him! Sweet rest for the weary, Joy for the souls of men. Don't push pause, just rewind!


Kristi said...

What I wouldn't give for a 'rewind' button!!

Bethany said...

You and me both Kristi. Miss you!

Susan said...

There are no "rewind" buttons but "His mercies are new every morning". Each day is a clean sheet of paper upon which He allows us to write what we will. My prayer each morning is that I write well on today's sheet.

Kathy said...

We were just talking about the things of Jesus that last....His word, His love, and His new mercies each day. We talked as a family about how the things we were getting ready to open would eventually fade in our interest, they would be broken or lost, given away, but that as you said Susan, His mercies are brand new every day. So very thankful for that fresh sheet of paper!!! Hooray for the new!!!