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Monday, February 9, 2009

Fowl Faux Paux

While attempting to salvage a reading lesson turned silly I grabbed our handy-dandy "Birds of Arizona" Field Guide book and intended to have son read a page on the bird of his choice. In this case: the male Northern Cardinal. Under Stan's Notes: it reads: "A familiar backyard bird. Look for the male feeding female during courtship. Male feeds young of the first brood by himself while female builds second nest." Readying himself, Son extends his pointer finger and begins reading aloud, " A familiar backyard bird. Look for the male feeding.....("Wait, let me accidentally skip a line while reading that will change the whole story and paint a different picture altogether", says his brain.....and then continues) himself while female builds second nest!" Let me double check, this is a bird book right? Was this written by Archie Bunker or what!!! Oh, the slips of childhood that undo me.

Kathy Adds: Daniel accidentally skipped the next line he was supposed to have read, and in doing so, it ended up sounding like the male bird fed himself while the female built the 2nd nest.


Brenda said...

That's a good one! No need introducing something he's not ready for. Worked out perfectly!

Mary Lee said...

I was going to call you a "chicken", then decided not to..I would have probably done the same thing you did!

Kathy said...

By way of explanation, I didn't have to actually "skip" anything because it didn't get specific on the mating. Whew. But, the funny part was when Daniel skipped the part of the sentence and ended up making it sound like the male fed himself while the female built the 2nd nest. Hope that clears it all up. If you're still confused, read the whole paragraph, then read what Daniel read in bold print.

B said...

That's funny! Does sound like something Archie Bunker or Al Bundy would say, huh! lol Thanks for stopping by B'z Place. sorry I haven't been over here for a visit for a while. Just had lots going on. Hope your week is going well. :=) Brenda, the other one

Elizabeth said...

That's so funny Kathy! Isn't it just like the male to be feeding himself while the female is building the nest:) I really enjoyed our conversation yesterday...

Frasypoo said...

That was too funny about Daniel!
Love the new picture.Are your eyes blue ?

Kathy said...

Blue indeed, Frasy. I'm glad you like the picture. Miss hearing from you, and it was good to go by your blog the other day. Vacations CAN put a wrench in the 'ole communication, for sure. Now if I can just get Bumbling Genius up and blogging again!!! : )

Mel said...

That's hilarious Kathy!! I have moments like those too...the only problem is when I laugh the kids usually want to know why I'm laughing, and sometimes it's pretty tough to explain. :)Thanks for your encouraging words on my blog put it even better than I did! Have a blessed day!

Frasypoo said...

I am so glad we became friends so I can keep up with BG' s whereabouts!!!
My race is on the 8th and I am having a bout of the lazies this week which should be a peak running week!!!

Kathy said...

We'll keep you in prayer Frasy. It's tough whenever the lazies set in, especially before a race (not that I would know about that part!). I'm glad we became friends too.....BG has way too much insight and wisdom to remain silent for so long!