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Thursday, October 29, 2009

Thought I would share this post to Bethany. My prayer is that the Lord will preserve His purpose for her, and make her path crystal clear, and give her grace to trust Him with everything. She enjoys "so much," and I can't wait to see it unfold. Right now I have a front row seat, and watching it all happen is part of my daily joy.

Thursday, October 29, 2009
The Chemist in You

My gracious one,

I love the you in you....the chemist in you! I love the way you get inspired and creative, and start mixin' stuff like you did today...the water and the insect repellent, the perfume oils. What a fragrance was emitted by you and your brother today! You're heavily influenced by the likes of great people such as Thomas Alva Edison, and many others we've read of . We've been listening to a dramatized retelling of Edison's formative years and the mark that his curiosity and tenacity made upon our world today. Bethany, if such a seed as this, or any other creative kind, is in your heart, and I believe there is, then I am obligated to water. If God were to say, "In my Bethany is something resident that I put in her and only she will bring into this world.", then I must water it. I must help till the soil, teach you to spot the weeds in your path and teach you how a living God desires to do the same within your heart and mind. You are His Bethany, mine for a short while, but His for eternity, and He knows best for you. I can't wait to see what He is mixing up for you! I know I am taking a few liberties, but I see the chemist in God in that He takes all kinds of, ideas, desires, quirks, etc., and mixes it for His purposes. How gracious that He would do that for us. Because you are uniquely His and He will display something through you that only He could do, it is my joy to sit back and watch, and pray. How I love you.


Susan said...

Oh that every child should have a mother with the heart that Bethany's has. What a blessing you are to her, Kathy.

Kathy said...

Thank you Susan. I'm learning daily how to be the mother to the children, wife to Danny, and daughter to the King that I should be. Wow, I have such a long way to go, but blessed to be on the journey.

Brenda said...

What a beautiful letter to your daughter. It's so fun to watch and see how the Lord unfolds His plan for their lives.