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Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Bethany's Grand Old Flag

She wants to do it the way it's supposed to be done now that she's the proud owner of a small American flag. In the dark of a girl's pink bedroom she remembers. You never leave a flag up overnight. I was a guest in the room for that moment as she crawled out of the comfy high-rise bed to do the honors. She unwound the string from the nail on which it was wrapped (wow, how'd she think of that?) and slowly began to lower Old Glory to the floor. It gripped me as a mother watching the girl who decided the flag should be displayed and found a way to do it. I found myself caught somewhere between a laugh and a cry, a strange but very real place, as the flag came down. The heart of the girl who insisted it be done had touched me and brought out that emotion that seems to escape words. I didn't make a sound but just watched. Honor was never more beautiful than it was right then as a young and innocent girl did what must be done. After all, it was the flag.


Susan said...

Almost too precious for words.

Nancy said...

How beautifully you described the feeling of awe we experience as moms when we see the light shine upon our little ones as their character is revealed to us.

I remember the first time I really saw my daughter pray and I saw her heart. I knew at that moment...all heaven and earth had stopped and were listening and watching...Never will I forget the light upon her face!

Kathy said...

Nancy,I was surprised at that strange indescribable emotion that welled up. It was as you said, Susan, almost too precious for words.

Mary Lee said...

comment: what I said on the phone.

Kathy said...

Thx M Lee! : )

elaine @ peace for the journey said...

Hi Kathy; thanks for stopping by the blog and leaving your kind thoughts and wishes for my day.

I'm on the other side of exhaustion, but wanted to take a moment and say "hello." I notice you're a homeschooling mom! I commend you and support you in your endeavors. I did so for one year; not my thing, but would do it again if my kids didn't have a wonderful Christian school to attend.

God bless you and your family was we continue on in these hot days of summer. I have four children (2 in college, 2 in gradeschool). You can imagine my chaos on most days!

PS: I am tendered by a daughter's understanding and care for our symbol of freedom. Keep to it!

Elizabeth said...

What a beautiful post! She is such a sweetie, thanks for sharing that with us!

Kathy said...

Thanks Liz. Can't wait to see you all!